Saturday, 27 July 2024
ISE Letter of Invitation
Visa invitation letter request form

As of February 29, 2024, at 11:30 p.m. Eastern time, Mexican citizens travelling to Canada will need to meet new requirements to travel to Canada.

Mexican citizens who hold a valid US non-immigrant visa or have held a Canadian visa in the past 10 years and are travelling by air on a Mexican passport will be able to apply for a new electronic travel authorization (eTA). With the high number of Mexican citizens currently holding US visas, the majority will continue to enjoy visa-free travel to Canada. Those who do not meet these conditions will need to apply for a Canadian visitor visa.

For additional information, please visit
Updated travel information for Mexican citizens coming to Canada - and
Changes to eTA and visitor visa requirements for Mexican citizens -

If you would like to receive an e-mail (on letterhead) of your letter of invitation, please fill out the form below.

Upon receipt of your email, you must take it to your nearest consulate or embassy to begin the visa application process.

We offer this service as a courtesy, however, it does not constitute an application for a Visa and we cannot guarantee that it will enable you to obtain a Visa.

Please enter your name and mailing address as it should appear on your letter and address label and double-check all information since errors can delay the visa application process and delivery of your hardcopy and e-mail.  
     Conference participant Fields with an * are mandatory information
Firstname (Given Name) * Firstname as it is in your passport
Lastname (Family Name) * Lastname as it is in your passport
Date of birth Format : DD-MM-YYYY
Street or PO box *
City *
ZIP/Postal Code *
Country/Region *
If you would like your letter faxed, please provide a fax number::
E-mail *
If required for Visa:
Passport number:
Accompanying person
Not more than one person can be included with an invitation letter.
If more family members wish to accompany the conference participant they have to apply for a regular tourist Visa.
Firstname (Given Name)
Lastname (Family Name)
Date of birth Format : DD-MM-YYYY
If required for Visa:
Passport number:

Title of your abstract:*
Submission ID
of your abstract:

Send invitation as PDF file by e-mail
Send invitation by regular postal mail
Send invitation by courrier (DHL)
The recipient agrees to participate in the mailing costs with € 120.00

Special Instructions or Comments/Questions:

Recopy the anti-spam code:
Filling out this form does not register you for the meeting !