Monday, 10 February 2025
International Society of Electrochemistry
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Application form for new members
Above age of 30 Age 30 or less
Membership fees 2025 Euro 50 Euro 15
Fields with an * are mandatory information
First Name (Given Name) *
Last Name (Family Name) *
Gender #
Year of Birth #
Please do not use any ' or " in the fields below.
Street *
City *
ZIP/Postal Code
Country / Region *
Email *
Please enter only one e-mail address. If you enter two, the system recognizes none.
Institutional Webpage
Personal Webpage
Please DO NOT enter the same division more than once.
# The "Year of birth" and "Gender" information will be kept as confidential information and will be used only for statistical purposes within ISE.
But to benefit the reduced membership fee discount for "students" and "emeritus" the year of birth information is mandatory.
Choose at least one division
Applications for ISE membership have to be sponsored by two ISE members.
Membership Sponsor 1
First name*
E-mail address*
Membership Sponsor 2
First name*
E-mail address*

Recopy the anti-spam code:
I accept the following ISE Privacy Policy:

In compliance with the European Commission directive on the personal data protection the ISE has to ask you to review and accept the following policy on the Personal Data Protection. Failing to accept the below outlined personal data protection plan will prevent you from using the electronic services provided by ISE to its members. These services are necessary to maintain your good standing as an ISE member.

The ISE collects and keeps record of the personal information of its members to ensure the members can enjoy fully the benefits of membership. This personal information includes the members names, affiliations, e-mail and phone contacts. This information is collected to ensure timely communication between the members, elected ISE officials and the ISE office to ensure that the members can exercise all membership benefits guaranteed by the ISE constitution and Bylaws.

This includes:


Dissemination of the information about the society, ISE organized or ISE sponsored events like such as conferences, workshops etc..


Distribution of the credentials for electronic elections and approval of ISE Budget and Financial Statement.


Dissemination of the news of general interest to the Society.


Membership dues records.

Members can update/modify their personal information via their membership account.
This personal information, or part of it, may be made available to the ISE active members in the ISE address book.
The personal information is retained securely by the ISE and the ISE will not share it with third parties. The ISE may be forced to provide this information if compelled by law to do so.

Read the complete ISE Data Protection Policy